Nutrient Ratio Tool

Rank foods high in one nutrient, and low in another nutrient.

Nutrients to Rank

Choose food groups

Serving size

Select data source

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ratio tool?
The ratio tool allows you to rank foods based on the ratio of two nutrients. For example, you can rank foods high in protein and low in calories.
Where does the data come from?
The data comes from the USDA food database.
What does DV and RDI mean?
DV stands for Daily Value and RDI stands for Recommended Daily Intake. These are the recommended amounts of a nutrient that you should consume each day.
Can I sort by a 100 gram serving size?
Yes, you can sort by 100 grams, 200 calories, or 1 ounce. You can also sort by household measurements such as 1 cup or 1 tablespoon. To do this click the appropriate serving size under "Serving Size" in the nutrient ranking form.
Can I sort by whole foods?
The best way to do this is to adjust the settings under "Food Group" and select whole food categories, like fruits, vegetalbes, beans, meats, and grains.